Eleven, aka El

The Leader. The only girl of the pack, Eleven is the natural leader who keeps her brothers in check. Though she may be the smallest pup, she is the mightiest! Chasing her brothers around, and sometimes even mama, Eleven knows how to hold her own. With people, though, she turns into mush and wants nothing more than to give sweet puppy kisses and cuddle. She is the smallest so only gentle children.
Foster update: Elle is a tiny girl with a big heart. She is slightly timid, quiet and has a beautiful, gentle energy as well as lots of playfulness. She loves to spend her day with a good dog chew (particularly liking the Yak Cheese Himalayan Chews), laying in the sun and playing with her brother. She would be a wonderful lap dog due to her love of snuggles and her calm, loving nature.
If you are interested to know if the puppy is still available- we advise you to go ahead and apply. Our inbox gets flooded with puppy requests so it takes us longer to respond. By applying, this will free us up to review your application. We thank you for your patience.